Friday, October 25, 2013

What is your definition of Happy? Are you happy if not what will it take to make you happy?

I think that at some point in our life's we think that if thing would just go smoother, money wasn't tight, we had the perfect job, the kids slept all night, had a great sex life, were the perfect weight, had a perfect smile etc.  That we would be happy. We have the notion that we can't be happy until life is perfect. Lets face it life will never be perfect. I think we need to start focusing more on being happy and life will fall into place exactly like it is suppose to. 

I am not perfect by any means. I get upset quicker than I should. I expect a lot out of myself and beat myself up if I don 't reach those exceptions  My house does not sparkle. But I have a beautiful family. A husband who loves me even with my faults and two children who absolutely make my world worth living. When I step back and look at the peice of art that is my life, it is a lot easier to see that there are SO many good things. And I am taking a stand to look and focus on those! It will not always be easy but happiness matters. And if even one person can be effected by my attitude than it worth it. 

Today right now in this moment I am choosing to be happy and I would like to bring you along with me for the ride.